Health and Safety - Company Policies

Site clearance in Plymouth, the South West, Devon

For site clearance services in and around Devon, EVG Landscapes Ltd is the name you can rely on.

Health and safety policy

Part 1
The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other relevant safety legislation with regards to its employees and others who may be affected.

The Company will provide such information, training, supervision, plant and equipment as necessary, to identify, eliminate or control hazards and risks in the workplace. Adequate resources will be provided for this purpose.

Any Company employee who supervises or manages the use of work equipment shall have received adequate training for the purposes of health and safety, including training in the methods which may be adopted when using the work equipment, any risks which such use may entail and precautions to be taken.

All employees and subcontractors are expected to co-operate with the Company in carrying out this policy and must ensure that their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves or others.

The management and staff of the Company will monitor the operation of this policy.

This statement of Company policy will be displayed prominently or made available to view.

This policy will be reviewed on a six-month basis to reflect any changes in legislation etc.

Part 2

EVG Landscapes Ltd is committed to promoting a safe and healthy work environment for its employees and members of the public, as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that its areas of work are safe and without risks to the health of its staff and members of the public. It is EVG Landscapes Ltd's policy to observe and comply with the requirements of all Health and Safety at Work legislation, and any other such orders and regulations that apply.

All employees have a duty to take reasonable care of their own safety and health, and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions, and to co-operate with the company on health and safety matters.

EVG Landscapes Ltd will identify and assess the significant risks that its activities present to the health and safety of its employees and the public. These risks will then, as far as reasonably practicable be eliminated or adequately controlled with the provision of the necessary resources.
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Health and safety policy summary

Our policy is:
  • to provide adequate control of the health and safety of employees, and members of the public from risks arising from our work activities;
  • to provide risk assessment and method statements where applicable;
  • to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
  • to provide safe equipment, plant and facilities;
  • to ensure safe handling and use of substances;
  • to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
  • to ensure employees and volunteers are to carry out their tasks and to give them adequate training;
  • to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
  • to maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
  • to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals;

Training policy statement

EVG Landscapes SW Ltd recognises that training is an essential ingredient for the continuing success of the company. To obtain our objectives in quality assurance, health and safety, technical awareness and profitability, training must be given the highest priority.

We have established training policies and review all our staff on a regular basis. Our aim is to identify individual requirements and implement a programme of training.

The directors and employees of EVG Landscapes SW Ltd are expected to actively pursue continued professional development.

All site employees, including subcontractors, are required to attend technical skill courses and health and safety courses, for example, National Proficiency tests.

The training structure is a continual cycle ensuring all our employees receive the correct training and development on an ongoing basis.

Equal opportunities policy

EVG Landscapes SW Ltd is an equal opportunities employer.
Discrimination can take many forms and it can be on the grounds of age, race, sex, disability, part-time status, fixed-term status, notice of intention to take or taking adoption, maternity, paternity and/or parental leave, gender reassignment status, marital status, sexual orientation and religion or belief.

This non-contractual policy applies to all aspects of employment from advertising of posts, selection, engagement, employment, training and promotion of people, which shall be on the basis of objective factors being their aptitude, performance and ability. This policy applies to all employees without regard to race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, part-time status, fixed-term status, and personal orientations including marital status, religion or belief. In addition, we have extended this policy to take into account discrimination on the grounds of age by taking into consideration Age Discrimination Regulations that came into force in the U.K in 2006.

EVG Landscapes SW Ltd, observes the Codes of Practice published by the Commission for Racial Equality, the Equal Opportunities Commission, and the Disabilities Rights Commission. EVG Landscapes Ltd recognises that all forms of prohibited discrimination are types of unlawful act. They shall, therefore, be brought to the notice of all employees as well as their prohibition by all our employees by the issue of this policy to provide equality and fairness for all in our employment.

To this end, EVG Landscapes SW Ltd will ensure that:
  • EVG Landscapes SW Ltd Codes of Practice are applicable to employees to assist in the fair treatment of all employees, and performance of their duties in a non-discriminatory way.
  • EVG Landscapes SW Ltd creates a working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all at work, and in which diversity, individual differences and the contributions of all employees are recognised and valued.
  • Those involved in the recruitment and selection process are fully conversant on the application of the policy relative to their responsibilities.
  • This policy is operating effectively (and for no other purpose) EVG Landscapes SW Ltd shall monitor and review the application of the policy at every stage including:
    • Recruitment and selection process 
    • Promotion and transfer 
    • Training 
    • Terms and conditions of employment 
    • Work-life balance and sexual harassment policies 
    • Grievance and disciplinary procedures 
    • Resignations, redundancies and dismissals
  • Existing employment practices, procedures and policies are monitored, examined and revised where appropriate.
  • The numbers of ethnic minorities employed and numbers of people with disabilities are monitored
  • EVG Landscapes SW Ltd is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
  • Serious breaches of this policy shall constitute gross misconduct and may result in summary dismissal.
  • Employees who believe acts of inequitable treatment have been applied to them within the scope of this policy are able to pursue the matter through the Company’s grievance procedure.

Environmental policy

EVG Landscapes SW Ltd stated aims are to improve the environment through landscaping while doing the absolute minimum amount of damage to the environment during the execution of our works and to strive for an ever-improving environmental performance. The company is founded on the principle of continuing development of both the whole and the individuals within it and this applies every bit as much to the impact on the environment as to all other aspects of the business. This is achieved through an ongoing programme of training of the individuals and also a continuous raising of the level of awareness throughout the company by the updating, distribution and implementation of the Environmental Management System.

The negative impacts of our business have been identified as follows:
  • Air pollution through the use of fuels both for transport and for the operation of the tools of our trade
  • Air pollution through the burning of the waste products of our work
  • Noise pollution through the operation of the tools of our trade
  • Land pollution through the disposal of the waste products of our business
  • Water pollution through the excessive and/or incorrect use of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides
  • Environmental damage to the existing trees, flora and fauna in the areas in which we are working
  • The using up of natural resources to supply the materials for our work, such as stone, hardwood, peat, etc
The company has a commitment to the reduction of all the above by the implementation of the following policies:
  • Regular and thorough maintenance of all plant, tools and equipment
  • Recycling of green and all other waste were possible
  • The correct disposal of all wastes products through approved channels or even licensed waste disposal operatives if warranted
  • The correct use of all chemicals and the training of all operatives to certificate level in their use
  • The fencing off and segregation of all areas adjacent to our works where encroachment could cause damage
  • A company purchasing policy and the active suggestion of suitable alternatives to clients and architects alike
  • The use of recycled materials where at all possible
A copy of the environmental policy is given to each new starter as part of their induction, regardless of their level of seniority and the aims of the policy are discussed, explained and then acted upon.

The policy is subject to review every 12 months by the director responsible to monitor its success and to an annual major review in conjunction with the managers and supervisors.

Subcontractors policy

It is the policy of EVG Landscapes Ltd to only to use suppliers and subcontractors who meet our quality standards.
The Company uses appropriate documented methods to ensure that purchased products and services conform to specified requirements, including verification procedures as may be specified in the contract.

Supplier selection
Suppliers are selected on their ability to meet contract requirements including quality. Records of acceptable suppliers are maintained. The type and extent of control exercised by suppliers are defined and appropriate to the type of product or service, taking into account previous supplier performance.

Purchasing data
Purchasing documents clearly describe the product or service ordered including comprehensive data, where applicable. These documents are reviewed and approved by authorised personnel prior to their release.

  1. Regularly updated schedules of approved suppliers and sub-contractors are maintained based on information received from all members of staff.
  2. Suppliers and subcontractors are selected from the approved supplier and subcontractor lists. Where new suppliers and subcontractors are identified they are provisionally included on the approved list and their performance closely monitored before being confirmed on the list.
  3. Selection is based on a number of criteria including:
    • Quality 
    • Qualification 
    • Track Record 
    • Clients' Requirements 
    • Cost 
    • Availability 
    • Market Demands 
    • Ability to supply to British and European Standards
  4. Subcontracts details are recorded in a uniquely referenced subcontract order:
    • Date 
    • Sub-contractor's name and address 
    • Identity of originator 
    • Unique job number 
    • Contract title 
    • Required delivery dates 
    • Sub-contract works specification and special conditions
  5. Copies of subcontract orders are distributed as follows:
    • Subcontractors 
    • Buyers 
    • Project file 
    • Site files
  6. On completion of sub-contract works, the works are reviewed and the subcontractor's inclusion on the list of approved subcontractors amended accordingly.
We serve customers in Plymouth, the South West and across Devon. To find out more about our environmental policy, call us now on
01752 341 613
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